Although we have won several awards for our individually handcrafted 100% British wool mattress toppers (including an ‘Indy Best Buy’ from The Independent), we don’t want to rest on our laurels. As more and more people are discovering the joys of sleeping more soundly having purchased one of our wool mattress toppers, we’re constantly looking for ways to maximise the way we build luxury into every stitch.
Working hand-in-hand with our brilliant seamstresses, here in our workshops on the edge of Dartmoor, we tried a number of new ideas. Through this process, we discovered that if we combined additional layers of wool with hand fluffed wool, this would create an even plumper topper that has a bit more ‘spring’ to it. More wool and more ‘springiness’ means even more comfort!
If you’re at the stage of thinking about using a mattress topper for the first time, then you might not have considered wool before. We know we’re biased because we love wool - but we have many good reasons for this, which we’ll share with you. Firstly, wool is sustainable and 100% natural. That means it is eco-friendly and we all increasingly want to do our bit to help the planet where we can!
Wool is also breathable and temperature regulating, so works with your body’s core temperature and the ambient temperature of your bedroom to help keep your temperature consistent, which means less interrupted sleep. This is very different from synthetic fibres, which can trap heat in the warmer months and make you feel even hotter. Being too hot can lead to a very disrupted sleep and that’s not good for anyone. Naturally resistant to dust mites and the build-up of micro bacteria, wool is also hypoallergenic and more hygienic than many other fibres. All of this adds up to what we call ‘wool wellbeing’.
The really good news is that because we want to support British farmers, we only ever use fully traceable 100% British wool, which comes to us from farmers in Devon and across the Southwest, whom we know to have the highest standards of animal husbandry. Our farmers receive an ‘over the market price’ for providing us with high quality wool and we only ever take wool from spring and summer shearings, when the sheep need to lose their heavy winter fleeces. Our wool is certified by the British Wool organisation, who collect and market the wool on behalf of our farmers and are also responsible for training British sheep shearers to the highest standard.
Having worked with our selected farmers to get the best wool, we want to ensure that as many as possible of its wonderful natural properties are retained, thereby benefitting our customers. So, when we clean our wool, it is done by a long-established British mill and without the use of chemicals or bleach. After cleaning it comes to us, in soft and fluffy layers, ready to put into our products.
Then the magic begins… The 100% natural brushed cotton casing is hand measured and cut, with the bottom layer placed on a special table. Then the wool layers are alternated with wool that is specially hand fluffed here on our premises, before the other brushed cotton casing layer is placed on top. There are no synthetic linings, no bonding agents and because of the recent development work we have done with our seamstresses to add extra springiness to our toppers, each topper ends up with over 1.2kg of beautiful British wool per square metre. The whole topper is then stitched to hold the wool in place but is done in panels to allow for that all-important ‘springiness’. We add broad elastic straps to each corner of the topper. These are easy to slip over the corners of your mattress and are long enough to fit over deep mattresses, but also allow you to regularly turn your topper. Regular airing (or what used to be described as a good ‘blow through’), preferably outside, helps to keep your topper nice and fresh and ready to pop back on your bed.
We hope this will be enough to tempt you but if you have any questions then please get in touch with the team and we will be happy to help!